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About the Academy of Human Development

AHD is a subsidiary of Fei Yue Community Services.  We are a lively centre for sound learning, new discovery and the pursuit of knowledge. Established in late 1998, AHD was founded to provide training and consultancy for social service professionals as well as individuals seeking to maximise their fullest potential.

We offer a wide range of courses on counselling, human and social services leading to Certificate, Diploma and Professional Accreditations. Our Academy also organises workshops that cater to the needs of counsellors, teachers, social workers and other professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills in these different specialisations.  For individuals, we provide a wide range of soft skills trainings to help meet their objectives and sharpen their skills to improve their personal effectiveness.

With our years of counselling experiences and extensive network, AHD is recognised in the human and social service sectors. Our programmes are well-balanced with theories and practice to enhance students’ understanding and enrich their learning. Our trainers are qualified and recognised by bodies like Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC) and Singapore Association of Social Work (SASW).

AHD is an approved training provider of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). 

AHD专业培训学院创办于1998年, 是飞跃社区服务的其中一个中心。AHD 专业培训学院致力于提供优质咨询训练给专业人士或团体中需要服务人群的人士。同时,课程也能帮助个人提升,成长,改善其家庭及社会关系。课程注重 实用性,注重理论与实践相结合。在教学过程中,会穿插实 际个案案例及 实践辅导练习。


To be a premier provider for quality education, training and services in Singapore and beyond.


To maximise the potential of our clients by offering learning experiences that are of the highest quality.


Education, training, consultancy services and customised programmes.

Portrait Photo of Leng Chin Fai

Message from the Executive Director 

As I look at the growth over the years since the Academy of Human Development (AHD) inception in the late 1998, I am extremely proud of what we have achieved, and even more excited about an equally promising future.

We have successfully transitioned from a local small start-up to become a respected Academy over the years and remain steadfast in our vision to provide quality and specialized training in the human and social service sectors to all our clients. In turn, our clients gain confidence and trust in us.


Our enrolment and expansion of our programmes and services have been increasing and are testaments to our commitment.

Our trainers are qualified and experienced practitioners in the counselling, family life and social service sectors. With their wide array of experiences, skills and knowledge, it can only bring the best in our clients’ academic and professional developments. We want our teaching to determine and maximise our clients’ fullest potential; support and encourage, and strive hard to anticipate and meet their needs and aspirations.

We, therefore, are committed to working with you to achieve your goal - your partner of choice because of our experience, commitment to quality and community, and integrity.

Leng Chin Fai

Executive Director
Academy of Human Development Pte Ltd

Meet Our Team

Profile photo of Arthur Ling
Profile photo of Leng Chin Fai
Profile photo of Thang Leng Leng
Profile photo of Aw Lay Hoon

Ling Koon Hwai (Arthur)

Director and

Academic/Examination Board

Leng Chin Fai

Executive Director

Thang Leng Leng

Academic/Examination Board

Aw Lay Hoon

Academic/Examination Board


AHD Organisational Chart Jan 2024.png

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